Monday, December 19, 2005

First Lines

Living Well

I always have trouble starting a book. Once I get rolling, the writing gets easier. Sometimes I have to write the first page 100 times to get a right, and even then, it doesn't always grab people.

But first lines are even more important than I thought. I learned this on the chicklit digest I get. You'd be surprised at how many digests I get. If I wanted to, I could spend my day reading digests and never write a word. But I digress...On this chicklit digest we even shared first lines and although I thought all of mine were great, not every else did. Wow! Visualize light bulbs going on. This little exercise helped me see what grabs people, and it's usually something short. Remember the Henny Youngman quote: Take my wife. Please!

Yes, that short. A first line can also be astounding, something about dogs wrestling or bedwetting, just as long as it grabs. In fact, one of the members shared that if you don't hook an agent or editor with your first line, you might as well wrap it up, because they do. Chong! That's the sound of your manuscript hitting the waste basket. Yes, Virginia, not only is there no Santa Claus, but your story has been rejected.

It doesn't matter that you've written an epic novel or a cute chick lit delight. First lines are important. So, if you're a writer, sharpen that pencil and make it short and sweet.

If you're a reader, check out some of the first lines from the books you love---they have to current, because this has only come to pass since we've become a fast food nation---and see whether the first lines that grab you are short. If they're not, maybe I'm all wrong about this. Check it out and let me know, but bare in mind that I hate to be wrong.

Keep on reading and writing.

Happy Holidays!


Wednesday, December 14, 2005


Everytime I send out a query, a couple of chapters, or a complete manuscript, hope rises. I think---this will be the one that sells. This will be the one this agent loves enough to want to fight for it with editors.

My husband and I write romantic comedies. We just sent out one to an agent who'd already read 10 pages and liked that enough to request the full manuscript.

Now comes the wait. While we work on new stuff, edit and revise old stories, and send out queries for our other books, we wait. And try not to remember we're waiting.

If we thought about it---which we don't, because we love what we're doing---we'd have to admit that this is a strange way to spend one's existence. Especially since I've had enough of my non-fiction books published to know selling a book is only the beginning of the work. Then comes editing, marketing, book signings, yada yada...

Been doing this since the 80s, so I guess hope does spring eternal.

Keep reading and writing!


Wednesday, December 07, 2005

It's Finished

Where have I been?

Chained to my computer, that's where. Except for a brief foray into BAMLAND, where I did a book signing for LIVING WELL WITH MENOPAUSE, I've been writing my paranormal mystery.

Guess what?

It's done!

Well, the first draft anyway. Now I go through the arduous rewrite/revise process, get input from various critiquers I work with, and then I'll send out queries.

So far, everyone has been astoundingly helpful and encouraging. Everyone has been interested in the premise and the writing. Everyone said they would read on, after seeing a chapter or a partial chapter. That makes me feel terrific!

Hoping to be a little more regular in my posts now that my baby is birthed.

Keep on reading and writing,


Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Helpful Rejection

I got a helpful rejection today. I would rather have an acceptance, but at least the agent thanked me, told me I had some unusual elements she liked----but, she didn't feel the overall dramatic question for the book (the hook) wasn't strong enough to stand out from the crowd.

She informed me that chick lit's still selling, but it takes an unusual plot to stand out. Mine has two gay guys, a nurse practitioner, a sister-in-law with breast cancer, a sex-crazed doctor, a seven-year-old going on 30, and a friend who could pass for a sergeant in the military.

The agent was kind enough to tell me I had (a) a nice writing voice (b) just the right tone for chick lit and she'd be glad to get a pitch from me for future chick lit novels.

What's an unusual plot? I'm at a loss. I thought mine was unusual.

Any ideas?

Keep reading and writing,


Thursday, October 20, 2005

Ups and Downs

Life certainly is filled with ups and downs. My nonfiction agent tells me a publisher is interested in two nonfiction titles my current publisher turned down. This made me think of developing a whole series on the topic. Amazing how just a little bit of encouragement (and the publisher hasn't even mentioned more than a passing interest) can spark ideas, hope, energy!

I was interviewed on my local radio station and by a local newspaper about LIVING WELL WITH MENOPAUSE. What fun that was. I love talking about my work, love helping people and giving them tips on healthy living. Some people came to my latest book signing because they heard me or saw the interview in the paper. Still, turnouts aren't as terrific as I'd envisioned---you know, thousands screaming my name, millions buying my book. I keep thinking of something I read that Tess Gerritsen said about signings. Having one person come and one person buy a book is the norm. What we authors won't do to sell a book.

Then there's the new Michael Moore movie, "Bowling for Columbine." I taped it because it was on later than I stay up. Glad (and sad) I did. See it if you can. I think he's my new hero. This guy confronts the really important issues in our country. This one is on the culture of fear. It's scary, frustrating, and made me cry to see some of the heartbreaking stories. Catch it if you can and let me know what you think.

Been working on a ghost story. It's such fun to be whimsical. It gives me a perspective on the world.

Another up---two agents have indicated an interest in my juvie fantasy. One asked for the whole manuscript online. I love that. Saves me time, effort, money and I don't have to print out the darn thing. The other wanted 20 pages. More on this later...

Stay well and keep writing and reading...


Monday, October 10, 2005


Living Well

Ideas are apoppin'. Sometimes I go for long periods of time without new ideas for a book. This week, two came to me, so I jotted them down.

Guess what? They've been calling to me, so I've been writing a little on each for the past few days. I know agents always caution to stick with one manuscript, but I have to go where my muse leads me.

I got that doing twenty things at once from my mother and to me, it seems a natural thing. I've always done a lot of things at once...not exactly at once. When I'm working on the one that's a ghost comes back to solve her own murder, I do put my total attention on that, and when I go to my old-love-returns story, I'm totally focused on that. By afternoon, I'm doing pr for my already published books, reading my email, doing book signings, etc.

It's how I've always worked and will continue. Otherwise, I get bored or stuck. This keeps me well-greased and interested in what I'm doing.

Hope you can say the same.

Keep reading and writing.



Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Ah, the Media!

It's fun seeing my picture in the newspaper. Sometimes it even makes me feel better than seeing my book in print.

Francine Milford, community reporter for the Venice Herald-Tribune deserves kudos. She did a wonderful job interviewing me. She made me sound so good, I'd go and see ME and buy my book. And she took a great picture of me holding my book, LIVING WELL WITH MENOPAUSE. And you can even read the title of the book.

We met by the fountain outside the Jacaranda Library and she took pictures amid the Florida flora. Now, that's what I call low stress. Thanks, Francine. You are a credit to your profession.

I must admit, I've been interviewed under much more stressful conditions. Interviewers misspelled my name, made uninformed comments about my practice and books, and generally made me gasp and go into panic attacks when I saw what they'd written. But, not Francine. She presented the essential me.

Is this what this is all about---ME, ME, ME?




*1 person shows up for a booktalk

*50 people show up for a booktalk and no one buys a book

*agents who ask to see my work and then never get back to me or even answer my e-mails after I've sent it

*not receiving the proper royalties and being told I'll get them, then never getting them
*and more---

having someone interview me and take my picture, and treat me like someone who might have something valuable to say... is truly wonderful!

If you want to read the interview and see ME and MY BOOK, go to for September 28, 2005, Venice Community Central, p. 4B. (You can also click on the Herald Tribune Interview link to the right and be zoomed right there!)

Keep reading and writing----it all does even out!



Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Communicate This!

Living Well

It's amazing how one little communication, be it e-mail or phone can make, and sometimes break, my day.

Am I normal, and is this your experience, too? (Please say yes so I don't have to
commit myself to my local psychiatric facility!)

Two days ago, I got a call back from BAM corporate after I'd called my local bookstore and asked to come in and autograph my books. The cashier couldn't tell me, and the manager asked me to call corporate, which I did. I left a long and involved message on someone's answering machine about my book, me, and the history of the world as I know it.

I thought that was that. Then, wonder of wonders, I got a call back from a wonderful female BAM employee who schedules events at BAM stores. She apologized for not leaving a message on my machine a few days earlier. I was just glad she called back. I learned that she could set up events at the bigger BAM stores by partnering with community organizations---what a great idea! She also told me when and where to do book signings that might even result in the sale of some books.

I hung up feeling as if I'd made a friend, and better yet, made a connection with a PR genius.

Then yesterday, my agent e-mailed that yet another editor had turned down another of my books, and that he may not be able to sell it. The air went out of my balloon in about a millisecond.

Last night, unable to get myself to write a word, I sent out a gizillion queries via e-mail, my favorite communication tool. Immediately I got back three replies informing me, "this is not for me." Okay, at least you're up and working, I thought, but I was still depressed from my agent's comment.

Then came an e-mail just before I turned off my computer companion that sent me into an even deeper depression. She wrote that the beginning just did not pull her in as much as she had hoped, so bye bye.

This after I had just revised the beginning to make it a snappier, more in the middle of the action start. Oh well...

Today, I got a chatty e-mail about my query and how "this sounds like great fun" and other such encouraging comments. Now I'm back on top of the world again. Of course, there is that soft nagging voice in the back of my head...she may change her mind after she reads pages.

I guess I've mastered the art of query letters, but it could be the novel itself that needs work. Back to the drawing, or should I say writing, board.

Before I go, should you yearn for the sound of my voice, you can download my voice video by going to Ah, the wonder of electronics. (Let me know if you find any snafus upon reaching that web site.)

Keep reading and writing...


Thursday, September 08, 2005

Miss Snark To the Rescue

Living Well

I love Miss Snark. She is quick, quick-witted and snappy!

I queried her about a querying process that has me bamboozled. According to one of my writing listservs, some agents are requesting marketing plans at the time you query them about a book.

That sounded premature, but I'm not an expert on these things. That's why I went to my hero, Miss Snark. I was so happy to find that she agrees, and says you do that after you sign on the dotted line with an agent, and you do it together because (this isn't a direct quote) "I know a helluva lot more about marketing than my clients do and together we'll work out how to position the book."

Here I was thinking I had to go back and get an MBA to submit my ideas. Miss Snark made me feel all warm and fuzzy.

Thank you, Miss Snark!

Keep on reading and writing,


Sunday, September 04, 2005

Insider Information

Living Well

Got a stock rejection from an agent stating, "This is not quite right for my list."

Translation: It sucks.

But, at the bottom, in a PS, was a helpful piece of information, to wit, "I recommend 78 Reasons Why Your Book May Never Be Published and 14 Reasons Why It Just Might by Pat Walsh. I learned quite a bit myself from hearing an editor's perspective on the process."

Loved the advice, expecially that the agent was so human (gosh, they can learn something too!), and willing to share. I'm finding this more and more lately, and I like it so much better than a form letter on poor quality paper that's a third or fourth copy, don't you? Miss Snark is of course, my best example, because she publishes her comments on her blog for all to see, and does it daily. What a dear!

I immediately cranked up my computer to I found the book with 5 reviews, the majority negative because the author was nasty. I couldn't care less if the advice is good. Unfortunately no sample pages could I find, but at the bottom of that page, in that great little space where it says something like, "People who bought this book also bought..." I found Noah Lukeman's The First Five Pages.

Mr Lukeman or his publisher were kind enough to furnish sample pages. The information in them was elementary (don't send in manuscripts with red marks and coffee stains on them), something I learned in first grade, but I imagine the advice will get better as I read through the book.

I typed in my library's address and found both were available and I reserved them. If they turn out to be as helpful as I hope, I will buy them and put them on my reference shelf. Better yet, I'll place them on my writing table and refer to them often.

Keep on reading and writing!



Tuesday, August 30, 2005


Living Well

I'm beginning to think reading other authors in my genre is a bad thing. For example, I have a lot of mysteries in my ten+ bookshelves that surround me in my work room. Most of the books in there don't start with a BANG, give a lot of description and backstory, and do all the things agents don't like, yet the authors got published. How do I explain this?

I can't.

What I can do is tell you how I got to this don't read idea...

One of the writing list servs I belong to has been buzzing about Miss Snark, Literary Agent, and her blog on

I'd pretty much decided not to procrastinate yet again and go to her web site, but this morning, maybe due to frustration with publishing events, Miss Snark drew me there.

Glad she did.

Miss Snark is indeed snarky, but in a good way. She even critiques 300 words of your ms and does so without resorting to the code used in the agent industry, e.g., "Not right for my list."

Miss Snark lambasts everything---unless of course it starts with a BANG, and doesn't overdescribe or give too much backstory. Some of her comments are forcing me to go back (yet again) to my stories and see if they start with a bang and don't give too much---well, you know.

Bye for now, I've got to get those ms fixed!

Keep on reading (you didn't really think I'd come out for real against reading, did you?) and writing,


Monday, August 29, 2005

Let's Get Cozy

I've been trying to sell an agent on my cozy mystery for about two years. Any agent. I can't remember how many times I've revised the first chapter. Too many.

"The protagonist isn't nice enough," one agent says.

"The protagonist is too nice and old-fashioned," another agent says.

I'd almost given up on finding someone who might read the first couple of pages and like my protagonist. Now I've found that someone, and she's a well-respected agent, too.

So I've made the copies, packed up the forty pages and brief synopsis she's requested and put them into the mail. Along with a few prayers, angels, and whatever other positive things I could think of to send.

Does voodoo work with agents? What about black magic? White magic? Any kind of magic? If anyone knows, please fill me in on the details.

Meanwhile...keep reading and writing!



Wednesday, August 24, 2005


Yes, I've been getting too many rejections. I've got umpteen novels out there circulating. Most of them come back with a twentieth copy of a form letter that's on the sheet crookedly and has not one shred of helpful advice. This is very disheartening.

But...once in a fortnight (is that two weeks)? If it is I mean once in a fortmonth (about twice a year) comes a rejection that is specific enough to give me really good advice.

That happened last week...only I didn't know it at the time. As soon as I read the words, "Thank you for sending me the first 75 pages of your novel," I knew what was coming next, and I wanted to rip and tear, but I restrained myself.

"I've now had the chance to read them, and regret to say," the letter read. This is where my heart started to lurch, "that I wasn't enthusiastic enough to want to represent the book for you," the agent continued. Your writing is good and this is cute in many ways, but I'm afraid I felt it went off in too many directions and changed focus too often. I didn't see a strong enough plot line and...

I stopped reading, threw it in a file and went away grumbling something like, "changed focus, didn't see a strong enough plot line...easy for you to say, did you even read it?"

Then last night I got an email from another agent I'd sent a query to way back. For some reason, I remembered the letter about changed focus and weak plot line and eureka! an idea came to me about how to link the plot together. It wasn't going to be a major revision either. I fixed the first 30 pages in an hour or so and sent it off to the second agent. Thank God for agents who live in the 21st century and will accept not only queries, but partials and even whole manuscripts. This way I don't have to wait to be rejected---I can send it and be rejected in the same day, sometimes in the same hour.

Now that I've sent out 30 pps, I wait to see if the first agent knew her stuff and if agent #2 agrees.

In this subjective business, who knows? But since about 10 agents turned it down the first way, and I could see how what I did strengthened the plot, it just might work!

More as the plot unfolds...

Keep reading and writing,


Friday, August 19, 2005

Kid's Novel and Chinese Food

Yes, I eeked out 7 pages for my kid's novel this morning. I hope when I go back to read it tomorrow it's not mush, which is what my head feels like.

Actually, it's kind of fun because it's a fantasy and I got to release mine on the pages. Whether anyone else will like it---that's another story.

Out for Chinese buffet with my husband and a good friend. Have you ever had sesame balls? Fantastic. The shrimp in lobster sauce wasn't bad, either. I love using chopsticks and eating fortune cookies.

Write on....


Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Time Flies When You're Having Fun

Living Well

Time really is flying. I can see it whizzing by with little wings on it.

My menopause book is out, my menopause self-help packets I'll be giving out at my signings are just about ready. (See About Me to the right for my schedule.) I have books to sell/sign and books to give out to one lucky person at each library talk/signing I do.

Yes, I'm having fun! Yes, time is flying.

When my eyes can no longer focus on my computer screen, I go outside for a walk and a little physical work. I've been weeding and collecting pine needles for mulch.

Is this summer the hottest ever, or does it just feel that way? Been eating bananas, drinking water and shakes like crazy and taking potassium tablets to ward off the effects of heat.

My kid's story is coming along. I figure if I can keep up writing 7 pages a day, it'll be done in a month.

Meanwhile, after meeting with my critique group, I've gather mucho suggestions for making my forensics novel better. Now, if I could just find the time to make the changes.

Write on...


Friday, August 05, 2005

Seventh Heaven

Living Well

The days go by so fast. Is this a function of aging or just trying to do too many things a day? Do I need more gingko?

Only two things help me remember how fast life speeds by---the age of my grandchildren and the fact I haven't blogged in more than a week!

Shall I be punished? NO!


Yesterday, I spent all day in Seventh Heaven. For two reasons.

First reason: I received the first two "hot-off-the-presses" copies of my book, LIVING WELL WITH MENOPAUSE: WHAT YOUR DOCTOR DOESN'T TELL YOU...THAT YOU NEED TO KNOW


My nonfiction agent agreed to take on a mystery of mine that I'd sent first to my nonfiction editor, who had to turn it down---although she liked it and said it made her laugh out loud in a few places, even---and so my nonfiction agent was so impressed he e-mailed the whole book early yesterday morning (while I was still sleeping) to 5 top editors of NYC publishing houses and one even said she'd read it off the screen and not ask for a hard copy.

Did you get all that? Sorry, I revert to run-on sentences when I'm in Seventh Heaven.

Seventh Heaven...that means there are at least six other Heavens. Does anyone ever get there from earth---except by dying? How come we can only get to the seventh one? Are the others on stops we don't have passes for?

If anyone knows, please tell me, I'll probably be working on this problem for sometime, which will keep me from writing and blogging and doing all the things I was put on this earth for.

Stay well and keep reading and writing,


Thursday, July 28, 2005


Now I remember why my writing teacher told me writing was 1 percent writing and 99 percent revision. I have pages of comments lying on the floor waiting for an answer. I'll get to you soon, I tell them. Right now I have to figure out how I made my picture and links go to the bottom of the page. I've sent an SOS to Blog Central, so I'll be back when that problem is settled.

Meanwhile, back to revising...

All's well that ends well... or something like that.

Keep reading and writing.


Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Writing and Scripting

Living Well

Spent last evening revising my forensic mystery until my eyes started having those flashing things, then I quit and watched "The Closer." Why don't my books have that much happening in them? Forgot that the more people who critique you, the more work you have to do. But, it's all good...

This morning I got a flash of another kind, and I'm not talking the hot kind, although I may have had one of those, too. I was lifting weights when I saw a commercial on Bravo for a new---yes, yet another reality-based epic---called My Life as a B-Movie Actor. Not quite sure that's completely right, but it's something like that.

So I thought...

Why not a series on writing a fiction book and getting it published and out there. It only took me about 15 minutes to compose a letter and find the contact info. Bravo (and for that matter, Discovery Communications) are very sneaky about hiding their contact info.

I finally found it and was faced by a watcher response series of boxes. The only thing I wasn't required to provide was my blood type. I sent off the letter and I got an almost immediate response. Hollywood gleamed in my eyes.

Wait--an automatic response. Thanking me and telling me they got just too many responses to answer any one of them personally. Thank goodness I copied my stupendous script ideas into a file. I copied it into letter form and will send it off into the mail, probably only to get an automatic rejection, but hey, that's my life!

Keep reading and writing...


Monday, July 25, 2005

Book Talks

Living Well

I'm in the process of setting up Book Talks/Signings around Florida for LIVING WELL WITH MENOPAUSE, WHAT YOUR DOCTOR DOESN'T TELL YOU THAT YOU NEED TO KNOW.

So far, I'll be in Tampa, Sarasota, and St. Petersburg in September and October, possibly Ocala. I'll let you know as those dates firm up.

September is Menopause Awareness Month, and October, Family Health Month, so both will work well and should interest the media. I'll be having a drawing to win a copy of the uncorrected proof (which is pretty much the book, bound and with cover) as well as a self-care menopause packet (including goodies) for each participant.

More as dates firm up...

Keep reading and writing,


Sunday, July 24, 2005

Critique Groups

Living Well

I've been in critique groups for years now. When everybody is motivated, they are terrific vehicles for helping each other write well.

Yesterday morning one of my critique groups met at the local library. When I woke up, I didn't want to go. I figured I'm so far behind in my writing, I should stay home and write.

With a little self-urging, I went. I was glad I did. We were missing one member, but the four of us did a lot of work. They gave me some terrific ideas for tightening up my forensic mystery and I got caught up on their work.

If you aren't in a critique group, think about joining one. You can find them online (I'm in one of those, too), or start your own at your public library.

Keep writing...and reading,

If you want to live well.


Friday, July 22, 2005

Back to Writing

I lost three days, deep in promotionland. I surfaced yesterday and wrote articles for my Bellaonline holistic health and menopause web sites. You can find them at Surgery - Decisions Before You Agree at
Surgery - Preparing for It at
Surgery - Hospital Tips at
Sugar Alternatives at

Hmm...Maybe 5 web sites is too much to keep up with? Never!

Well maybe...

This morning I geared myself up, put on my writing mantle (whatever that is), and wrote 8 pages for my young adult novel after I got a listserv message---yep, I belong to a couple of those, too---that a young adult writing contest was brewing.

I started that YA book about a year ago, but went on to write a cozy, a CSI forensics type story, a couple of romantic comedies, a chick lit or two and who knows what else. You say that's spreading myself too thin?

Maybe, but I hate being bored...

Funny how the idea of a publishing contest gets my fiction side whirring.

Hope all is well in yourland.



Tuesday, July 19, 2005

A-Marketing We Will Go

Living Well

Yes, I admit it, I'm becoming a promotion hound. Yesterday I participated in a FrankleBiz chat. Rob Frankle gives forth with marketing expertise every Monday morning (it's noon where I am so I had to gobble down lunch and still got there late). But not to late to barge in with my marketing questions. They are a game group and very helpful. I have a full page of ideas for marketing my LIVING WELL WITH MENOPAUSE book. One of the guys in the chatroom even knows the director of Menopause: the Musical, so he let me use his name to contact her.

My head spins with ideas...

Oh, and watching the news---by mistake. I never watch the news because I think it's usually so depressing, but while lifting weights this morning I heard about a murder that just could turn into my next mystery. A plot just burst forth and I jotted it down. Yes, ideas are apoppin'...

Keep reading and writing,

Stay Well,


Monday, July 18, 2005

Promote & Edit

Living Well

Have spent the last three days setting up book talks, and going over copyediting for my next nonfiction book, LIVING WELL WITH ANXIETY, due out in 2006. Are my eyes red or am I turning into a rabbit?

Oh, and also met with a computer whiz who put one of my speeches on a DVD. I'm so out of it I don't even have a DVD player, so had to ask a neighbor if I could look at it on his player. He graciously agreed. I also found out how to upload a short video segment to one of my web sites. It should be up soon. I'll let you know when. Now you can hear, see and listen to me. Maybe that's overload.

My publisher is also making me business cards with LIVING WELL WITH MENOPAUSE on it and ordering information. That's a first! Can hardly wait to see them.

Keep reading and writing...


Thursday, July 14, 2005


Yesterday I was so busy "marketing" I forgot to blog. Contacted many librarians to set up book talks. Librarians are my favorite people: they're always polite and knowledgeable, and they're great listeners. They never put you on hold, they never hang up on you. Why doesn't the world follow their example?

I've loved libraries and librarians since I was three and my mother took me to our local library to listen to Story Time. By the time we left, both of us had our arms full of books and we headed home, ready to explore ancient lands and new horizons.

What happens to that sense of wonder?

I'm not sure if it's school that knocks it out of us, or just growing up and having to deal with the world.

Whatever, I hope to bring some of that sense of awe back at my book talks. I've already had speaks with librarians at the St. Petersburg, Jacaranda, Gulf Coast, John F. Germany Public Library, and Safety Harbor Libraries and am firming up dates. More about that later when I've got confirmations.

Did you know September is Menopause Awareness Month, or that it's also Healthy Aging month? I told you librarians are very knowledgeable.

I'm keeping my book touring to Florida for now, but am open to other ideas. Hawaii's a bit too far, but other southeastern states beckon. I might even venture farther, maybe even travel north. Such a trip would give me an excuse to give my grandkids a few more hugs.

Back to marketing and writing, my two main activities these days. If I'm good and work hard, I've promised myself a long walk and an hour in my flower gardens.

Stay Well,


Tuesday, July 12, 2005


It's not easy Living Well. There are the agents for my fiction who never seem to get back to me, the editors who never want to hear from me, the publishers who don't know I exist, the bookstores who don't want to hold signings, the libraries that don't want me to give a talk on menopause, the neighbor's dog who barks at me as if I'm a thief, and never enough hours in the day to accomplish everything I want to do.

Thank goodness there are sunrises, sunsets, my flower gardens, walks on the beach, a new neighbor with a delightful one-year-old who thinks I'm funny, good food, hugs, a new book to write, a new idea that pops into my head when it's least expected, my five-year-old grandson who plays the trombone, my seven-year-old granddaughter who shares my love of tap dancing, my exercise mat, my stationary bike, the moon, the stars, tomorrow...who could ask for anything more?

Stay well,

Talk to you soon.