Friday, February 15, 2008

Wellness Newsletter, February, 2008

This newsletter provides up-to-date research-based wellness and self-care information and tells you about books, e-books, web sites and events that can enhance well-being, promote health, and help develop self-care, teaching/learning and leadership skills. Please forward it in its entirety to whomever you believe may benefit.

Scroll down to what interests you…

1. Your wellness message

2. Wellness news:

a. Are vitamin D supplements helpful?

b. Apples, bananas, or oranges for Alzheimer’s?

c. Heart disease and the need for nutritional counseling

d. Are tougher guidelines needed for cell phones and electromagnetic fields?

e. Stevia: A better sweetener than sugar

3. Wellness Books

4. Online “Living Well with Menopause” support group

5. Self-care/wellness e-books

6. A new book for nurse educators

7. A new book for nursing leaders and managers

8. Archives of past Wellness Newsletter issues.

9. Wellness Events: Heal the Healer and Healing Workshops held at an unspoiled Florida beach site, book listings, menopause booktalk/signings


1. Wellness Message

All the flowers of all the tomorrows are in the seeds of today.

a. Are vitamin D supplements helpful?

Low levels of vitamin D have long been associated with disease. The assumption has been made that vitamin D supplements protect against disease. But do they? New research demonstrates that ingested vitamin D can suppress the immune system, and that low blood levels of vitamin D may be a result of the disease process. Supplementation may make the disease worse.

Vitamin D affects the expression of over 1,000 genes. This means a simplistic cause and effect between vitamin D supplementation and disease may not be wise. If you’re healthy or ill, 10-15 minutes of sun exposure to your arms and face several times a week may be the best source of vitamin D. During sunless periods, swallow a daily tablespoon of cod liver oil. Think of it as medicine---which it is, just a safer form than vitamin D supplements may be.

Source: Marshall, T.G. (2008). Vitamin D discovery outpaces FDA decision making. Bioessays volume 30, number 2, 173-182 and Autoimmunity Research Foundation (2008, January 27). Vitamin D deficiency study raises new questions about disease and supplements. ScienceDaily. Retrieved February 13, 2008 from


b. Apples, bananas, or oranges for Alzheimer’s?

Apples, bananas and oranges are the most commonly consumed fruits in both Western and Asian diets. They provide important vitamins, minerals and fiber.

Researchers at Cornell University found that all three prevented neurotoxicity in cells. Which is best? Among the three fruits, apples contained the highest content of protective antioxidants.

Additional consumption of these fruits may not only be beneficial for everyone, it may especially improve effect in neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s.

c. Heart disease and the need for nutritional counseling

More than 13 million Americans have survived a heart attack or been diagnosed with coronary heart disease (CHD). It’s the number one cause of death in the US. Diet is known to reduce the risk for subsequent cardiac events, but a high proportion of heart attack survivors do not adhere to a healthy diet.

A new study examined the food intake of people diagnosed with CHD. The healthiest diet is one that includes fruits, vegetables, nuts and soy, cereal fiber, low meat and saturated fat intake. Adhering to this diet gives the participant a score of 80 on a 24-hour food intake recall assessment. The average score was 30.8.

An overwhelming number of those diagnosed with CHD, roughly 80 percent, do not attend cardiac rehabilitation programs or obtain consultation to help them improve diet and overall health. Health care practitioners must place more of an emphasis on dietary counseling. Survivors and family members must become more aware of the importance of changing eating habits to prevent further heart attacks.

Source: University of Massachusetts Medical School (2008, February 1). Patients diagnosed with coronary heart disease continue poor diets, study shows. ScienceDaily. Retrieed February 13, 2008 from


d. Are tougher guidelines needed for cell phones and electromagnetic fields?

The BioInitiative Report is based on international research and public policy initiative to give an overview of what is known of the biological effects that occur at low-intensity electromagnetic
field exposure.

Health endpoints reported to be associated with microwave radiation emissions (RF) and low frequency electromagnetic fields (ELF) include childhood leukemia, brain tumors, genotoxic effects, neurological effects and neurodegenerative disease, immune system deregulation, allergic and inflammatory responses, breast cancer, miscarriage and some heart and blood vessel effects.

A conclusion found in the BioInitiative Report is that a reasonable suspicion of risk exists based on clear evidence with prolonged exposure to environmental levels and that new lower public safety limits should be set for habitable space adjacent to all new or upgraded power lines and all new construction and for pregnant women and all children.

The current guideline for the US and European microwave exposure from mobile phones, for the brains are 1.6W/Kg and 2W/Kg, respectively. Because mobile phones are associated with an increased risk for brain tumor after 10, a new biologically based guideline is warranted. For other health impacts, go to

e. Stevia: A better sweetener than sugar

Refined sugar consumption continues to rise in the US. According to the Center for Science in the Public Interest, sugar consumption rose by 25 pounds since 1986 to 1998 by 152 pounds per person per year (calculated from sugar production figures). Sugar displaces nutritive calories leading to numerous health problems and obesity. A major factor contributing to this high rate is the widespread and continually growing habit of drinking sugar-laden soda

What are the benefits of using stevia instead? A recent study showed that Stevia preventive DNA strand damage and may be a potential source of natural antioxidants.

What is stevia? The herb, Stevia rebaudiana, has been used for centuries by the Guarani Indians of Paraguay.

What are the benefits of using stevia? The most obvious and notable characteristic of stevia is its sweet taste due to non-caloric molecules called glycosides. Individuals, such as those diagnosed with diabetes, obesity and other conditions, may want to use stevia. Research showed that a whole leaf concentrate has a regulating effect on the pancreas and helps stabilize blood sugar levels. Stevia may also inhibit the growth and reproduction of bacteria that cause gum disease and tooth decay, may encourage the healing process in skin conditions and even cuts and scratches when applied locally.

Stevia can be found in a liquid or powder form and can be added to drinks and used in baking.

Source: Ghanta, S., Banerjee, A., Poddar, A., Chattopadhyay, S. (2007). Oxidative DNA damage preentive activity and antioxidant potential of Stevia rebaudiana (Bartoni) Bertoni, a natural sweetener.
(2007). J Agric Food Chem. Volume 55, number 26, pp. 10962-7.

3. Wellness Books

Aging Beyond Belief by Wellness Guru, Don Ardell, 2007.

If you plan to age, prepare yourself - it's later than you think and the challenge of aging well should be taken seriously. Discover what aspects of aging can't be changed and guide the rest that can. Aging Beyond Belief includes 69 recommendations for a more healthful, enjoyable and meaningful existence at every stage of life, written by the world's most prolific, outrageous, humorous and athletic expert on wellness. The book can be ordered from: or Don's web site:

*Living Well with Anxiety: What Your Doctor Doesn't Tell You That You Need to Know.

This helpful self-care manual provides a mind, body, and spirit wellness approach to anxiety. Learn how to control anxiety and stress naturally. Contents include how to self-diagnose anxiety, wellness approaches (nutrition, herbs, environmental changes, exercise, other anxiety-reducing and healing measures), relationships, purpose and spirituality, creating your own anxiety plan and finding and working with the right practitioner. Ask your local book store to order LWW Anxiety if you don't find it on the shelf. You can also find this book by clicking on and writing Carolyn Chambers Clark in the search box at the top of the screen.

* The Art of Becoming a Nurse Healer. ISBN – 1-929693-49-451695. 88 pages
The author, a psychiatric nurse and medical sociologist discusses the hazards and realities of nursing that form real barriers to practicing a healing form of nursing. She offers practical advice that allows nurses to practice in ways that renew their spirits and rediscover their love of the reasons they went into nursing. Written for clinicians, students, and educators. Contents: Knowledge base for the nurse healer; The nature of a caring relationship, Nurse healing in action. AJN Book of the Year award; 5 star Doody rating. Order from publisher at: Direct link to Amazon. Com:

*Encyclopedia of Complementary Health Practice. Includes concepts and issues, economic and practice issues, education issues, legal/legislative/health policy issues, historical perspectives, conditions (from a-z), influential substances, practices and treatments, contributor directory, and resources directory. For more information or to order, click on and write Carolyn Chambers Clark in the search box at the top of the screen.

*Garden Therapy Guidelines for Special Needs by Judith Gammonley, ARNPBC, EdD, LCP includes how to use garden therapy with those who are memory impaired, brain injured, or who struggle with developmental or physical challenges for symptoms as widely divergent as wandering, distractibility, poor communication, mood changes, disorientation, fatigue, frustration, aggression, limited social skills, lack of self-confidence, limited mobility, depression, lack of motivation, anxiety, and social withdrawal. For copies, contact Dr. Gammonley at or phone her at (727) 784-2449.

*Group Leadership Skills

Now in its 4th edition, this book focuses on an introduction to group work, basic group concepts and processes, working to achieve group goals, special group problems, beginning/guiding/terminating the group, supervision of group leaders and co-leadership, behavioral approaches for group leaders, recording and analyzing group process, groups for the old adults, working with focal groups, when the organization is the group, and when the community is the group. Go to Springer Publishing Company by clicking on and write Carolyn chambers Clark in the search box at the top of the screen.

*Health Promotion in Communities: Holistic and Wellness Approaches.

Focuses on applying wellness and holistic concepts to community work and includes a model for health and wellness promotion in communities, health promotion with changing and vulnerable populations, community self-assessment, principles of planning effective community programs, community mobilization and participation, evaluating community health programs, health promotion in rural settings, health promotion on the internet, nutrition and weight management, fitness and flexible movement, typical childhood communicable diseases; promoting community resilience, stress management, smoking cessation, violence prevention, environmental wellness, complementary health care practices, advanced communication skills with individuals and groups, working with groups, working with families, health promotion with African American women, establishing a lay health promotion program in a Hispanic community, diabetes programs in Hawaii, parish nursing, conducting a survey; the example of a youth service organization, violence prevention in schools; a model violence-prevention center, evaluating small community-based health promotion programs: lessons learned from Colorado Health Promotion Initiatives, health promotion in a homeless center. Available from Springer Publishing Company by clicking on and writing Carolyn Chambers Clark in the search box at the top of the page

*Healthy Holistic Aging: A Blueprint for Success

This book not only provides an easy to follow blueprint for health and holistic aging, but the author is an exceptional role model for his program. Can you live a healthy and independent life to the age of 100? Can you enjoy positive relationships? Can you maintain a healthy environment? Carl Helvie, RN, DrPH says you can and at age 74, he's a perfect example of the right things to do. He has no chronic illnesses and is among the 11% of the age 65-and-overs who take no prescribed medications. The book cites overwhelming scientific evidence that good diet, exercise, adequate sleep, prayer, meditation, positive relationship with others and a clean and safe environment can ensure successful aging. Ask for it at your local bookstore or find it online. Also visit Dr. Helvie's web site where you can also obtain the book as well as other helpful information. Click on

* Her Inspiration

Subtitled, Secrets to Help You Work Smart, Be Successful and Have Fun, this book is full of quotes and thoughts from hundreds of women to encourage, motivate, and support you as you make your way. It is a book with a mission: to provide the advice, solace, kick in the pants, pat on the shoulder, hug or giggle you need when you need it. In short, it’s here to inspire women to be their best selves. The book contains 9 chapters, including: Get organized: Tips and Timesavers; Chill: Give Yourself a Break, Create Your Style: Fashion Sense and Common Sense, Gather Your Group: Friends, Mentors, and Motivators; Indulge Yourself: Little Rewards Lead to Big Accomplishments; Live Well: Living Your Life to the Hilt; Be Bold: How to Make Your Ideas Count; Work Smart: Doing Your Job and Being the Best You Can Be; and Achieve: Women Can Do Anything. Published by Conari Press, it can be order from or online at

*Holistic Nursing Approach to Chronic Diseases

Based on holistic assessments and interventions, this book uses a holistic approach to AIDS/HIV, Allergies/Asthma, Alzheimer's Disease, Arthritis, Cancer, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Depression, Diabetes, Digestive Problems, Fibromyalgia, Heart and Blood Vessel Disorders, Kidney Disease, Liver Disease, multiple sclerosis, osteoporosis, overweight/obesity, pain, Parkinsons' Disease, and/or sleep disorders. Available from Springer Publishing Company by clicking on and writing Carolyn Chambers Clark in the search box at the top of the screen.

*Living Well with Menopause: What Your Doctor Doesn't Tell You That You Need To Know.

A self-care manual to help women learn about using hormones, and what to do if they'd rather not. Soon to be available in Spanish. Now in its third printing. Table of contents includes: menopause: a natural process, medical treatment, nutrition, herbs, environmental actions, exercise, other stress reduction and healing measures, relationships, finding and working with the right practitioner, and putting it all together: your menopause success plan. Available from Harper Collins by clicking on
and writing Carolyn Chambers Clark in the search box at the top of the screen.
4. Online Menopause Support/Information Group

Anyone who could benefit from support and information during menopause can go to and write living well with menopause in the search box, scroll down to Living Well with Menopause and click on it.
5. E-books

Available e-books include ADHD, acne, bladder spasms/bladder infections, couple communication, depression relief, great body, headaches, healing veggies, healing with affirmation & imagery, healthy hair, helping with homework, natural diuretics, pain free, parenting, peri-menopausal bleeding, permanent weight loss, pregnancy, helping children be successful in school, teaching math concepts, thyroid, and whole brain thinking. All are from a wellness, self-care perspective. Click on (Scroll down the left hand column of the web site to find them.)
6. New Book for Nurse Educators

*Classroom Skills for Nurse Educators. Hot off the press and already in its second printing, this new book for nurse educators provides ways to promote interactive learning even in large classes, while teaching asynchronously online and more…also introduces creative ways to use role playing, simulations, simulation games, group methods, peer learning, value clarification, perceptual exercises, journal writing and poetry. Educator vignettes present situations that help integrate theory into practice for varied nurse educators from nursing faculty, clinical nurse leaders, graduate students in nursing education programs to staff development experts. Presents indepth analysis and tips for overcoming the teaching/learning problems that can interfere with the learning process, and even shows how to develop your own learning materials (including simulations and games) in simple but effective ways. Find the book on the Jones & Bartlett web site by clicking on Sample chapters and more information available at the web site.
7. Creative Nursing Leadership & Management ISBN-10: 0763749761. 432 Pages.

This book provides relevant theory and ties it to practice by allowing learners to use critical thinking activities in a safe classroom environment. Perfect for upper-level undergraduate nursing leadership courses (and for more advanced leaders), the text focuses on creating leadership opportunities and creative solutions; using information technology; managing resources and change; delegation and succession: developing staff; creative political, legal, ethical, effective, and safe interventions to keep staff engaged. For more information click on
8. Archives of the Wellness Newsletter

To read recent past issue of the Wellness Newsletter, click on

9. Wellness Events

a. Wellness Heal the Healer and Healing Workshops/Retreat.

Stressed? Anxious? Want to change your life? Need a tw-day Heal the Healer or Healing getaway where you can learn new wellness self-care measures and luxuriate in restful beach surroundings? Go to for specifics.

b. Want your book or event mentioned in this newsletter? Contact me by clicking on my picture at and provide the particulars…title, author, year of pub, a short blurb, and where to get the book or the directions to the activity. Just follow the format I've used above for books and activities, please. That's Times Roman 12 point black ink only no underlining or bolding, please, and you only have a few lines to do all that. Don't forget your contact information. Thanks in advance.

c. Menopause Book Talk Stops for Floridians

Discover which foods and supplements will work best for you. Menopause book signing at Richard’s Whole Foods in Osprey (March 1, 2 p.m.)

d. Join the AHNA now at reduced rate

Join the American Holistic Nurses Association community at a special 20% off new members' rate of just $100 until March 31st. Learn about the benefits of AHNA membership at To Join AHNA call (800) 278-2462 Ext. 12 to place your membership over the phone, or e-mail for an electronic membership mail-in form.

PLEASE SEND THIS NEWSLETTER ON to friends, family, clients or colleagues who might benefit. My only request is that you send it in its entirety.

In Wellness,

Carolyn Chambers Clark

Stay Well!

If you would like to subscribe, go to and click on my picture.