Sunday, September 04, 2005

Insider Information

Living Well

Got a stock rejection from an agent stating, "This is not quite right for my list."

Translation: It sucks.

But, at the bottom, in a PS, was a helpful piece of information, to wit, "I recommend 78 Reasons Why Your Book May Never Be Published and 14 Reasons Why It Just Might by Pat Walsh. I learned quite a bit myself from hearing an editor's perspective on the process."

Loved the advice, expecially that the agent was so human (gosh, they can learn something too!), and willing to share. I'm finding this more and more lately, and I like it so much better than a form letter on poor quality paper that's a third or fourth copy, don't you? Miss Snark is of course, my best example, because she publishes her comments on her blog for all to see, and does it daily. What a dear!

I immediately cranked up my computer to I found the book with 5 reviews, the majority negative because the author was nasty. I couldn't care less if the advice is good. Unfortunately no sample pages could I find, but at the bottom of that page, in that great little space where it says something like, "People who bought this book also bought..." I found Noah Lukeman's The First Five Pages.

Mr Lukeman or his publisher were kind enough to furnish sample pages. The information in them was elementary (don't send in manuscripts with red marks and coffee stains on them), something I learned in first grade, but I imagine the advice will get better as I read through the book.

I typed in my library's address and found both were available and I reserved them. If they turn out to be as helpful as I hope, I will buy them and put them on my reference shelf. Better yet, I'll place them on my writing table and refer to them often.

Keep on reading and writing!



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