Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Writing and Scripting

Living Well

Spent last evening revising my forensic mystery until my eyes started having those flashing things, then I quit and watched "The Closer." Why don't my books have that much happening in them? Forgot that the more people who critique you, the more work you have to do. But, it's all good...

This morning I got a flash of another kind, and I'm not talking the hot kind, although I may have had one of those, too. I was lifting weights when I saw a commercial on Bravo for a new---yes, yet another reality-based epic---called My Life as a B-Movie Actor. Not quite sure that's completely right, but it's something like that.

So I thought...

Why not a series on writing a fiction book and getting it published and out there. It only took me about 15 minutes to compose a letter and find the contact info. Bravo (and for that matter, Discovery Communications) are very sneaky about hiding their contact info.

I finally found it and was faced by a watcher response series of boxes. The only thing I wasn't required to provide was my blood type. I sent off the letter and I got an almost immediate response. Hollywood gleamed in my eyes.

Wait--an automatic response. Thanking me and telling me they got just too many responses to answer any one of them personally. Thank goodness I copied my stupendous script ideas into a file. I copied it into letter form and will send it off into the mail, probably only to get an automatic rejection, but hey, that's my life!

Keep reading and writing...



JJG said...

Carolyn: Went to your blog and read your last few blogs, they're interesting and should provide some answers and (maybe some company in someone's misery too for a common problem : - ). I'd like to share links but I have no idea how - be back when I'm a little more familiar with blogging (if I ever am! : - )
Love & best wishes,
Jackie Griffey

Jerilyn Dufresne, author said...

Hi. Since you added the links, they moved everything in the right hand column to the bottom right of the page...including your picture. Don't know if it shows on yours.

And thanks for linking to my blog, but that's the old one from last year in Europe, and not the new mundane one. If that's what you intended, then fine. Otherwise, you can find my newest one at the url you cited in your profile. Thanks, Carolyn. Jer