Thursday, July 28, 2005


Now I remember why my writing teacher told me writing was 1 percent writing and 99 percent revision. I have pages of comments lying on the floor waiting for an answer. I'll get to you soon, I tell them. Right now I have to figure out how I made my picture and links go to the bottom of the page. I've sent an SOS to Blog Central, so I'll be back when that problem is settled.

Meanwhile, back to revising...

All's well that ends well... or something like that.

Keep reading and writing.


Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Writing and Scripting

Living Well

Spent last evening revising my forensic mystery until my eyes started having those flashing things, then I quit and watched "The Closer." Why don't my books have that much happening in them? Forgot that the more people who critique you, the more work you have to do. But, it's all good...

This morning I got a flash of another kind, and I'm not talking the hot kind, although I may have had one of those, too. I was lifting weights when I saw a commercial on Bravo for a new---yes, yet another reality-based epic---called My Life as a B-Movie Actor. Not quite sure that's completely right, but it's something like that.

So I thought...

Why not a series on writing a fiction book and getting it published and out there. It only took me about 15 minutes to compose a letter and find the contact info. Bravo (and for that matter, Discovery Communications) are very sneaky about hiding their contact info.

I finally found it and was faced by a watcher response series of boxes. The only thing I wasn't required to provide was my blood type. I sent off the letter and I got an almost immediate response. Hollywood gleamed in my eyes.

Wait--an automatic response. Thanking me and telling me they got just too many responses to answer any one of them personally. Thank goodness I copied my stupendous script ideas into a file. I copied it into letter form and will send it off into the mail, probably only to get an automatic rejection, but hey, that's my life!

Keep reading and writing...


Monday, July 25, 2005

Book Talks

Living Well

I'm in the process of setting up Book Talks/Signings around Florida for LIVING WELL WITH MENOPAUSE, WHAT YOUR DOCTOR DOESN'T TELL YOU THAT YOU NEED TO KNOW.

So far, I'll be in Tampa, Sarasota, and St. Petersburg in September and October, possibly Ocala. I'll let you know as those dates firm up.

September is Menopause Awareness Month, and October, Family Health Month, so both will work well and should interest the media. I'll be having a drawing to win a copy of the uncorrected proof (which is pretty much the book, bound and with cover) as well as a self-care menopause packet (including goodies) for each participant.

More as dates firm up...

Keep reading and writing,


Sunday, July 24, 2005

Critique Groups

Living Well

I've been in critique groups for years now. When everybody is motivated, they are terrific vehicles for helping each other write well.

Yesterday morning one of my critique groups met at the local library. When I woke up, I didn't want to go. I figured I'm so far behind in my writing, I should stay home and write.

With a little self-urging, I went. I was glad I did. We were missing one member, but the four of us did a lot of work. They gave me some terrific ideas for tightening up my forensic mystery and I got caught up on their work.

If you aren't in a critique group, think about joining one. You can find them online (I'm in one of those, too), or start your own at your public library.

Keep writing...and reading,

If you want to live well.


Friday, July 22, 2005

Back to Writing

I lost three days, deep in promotionland. I surfaced yesterday and wrote articles for my Bellaonline holistic health and menopause web sites. You can find them at Surgery - Decisions Before You Agree at
Surgery - Preparing for It at
Surgery - Hospital Tips at
Sugar Alternatives at

Hmm...Maybe 5 web sites is too much to keep up with? Never!

Well maybe...

This morning I geared myself up, put on my writing mantle (whatever that is), and wrote 8 pages for my young adult novel after I got a listserv message---yep, I belong to a couple of those, too---that a young adult writing contest was brewing.

I started that YA book about a year ago, but went on to write a cozy, a CSI forensics type story, a couple of romantic comedies, a chick lit or two and who knows what else. You say that's spreading myself too thin?

Maybe, but I hate being bored...

Funny how the idea of a publishing contest gets my fiction side whirring.

Hope all is well in yourland.



Tuesday, July 19, 2005

A-Marketing We Will Go

Living Well

Yes, I admit it, I'm becoming a promotion hound. Yesterday I participated in a FrankleBiz chat. Rob Frankle gives forth with marketing expertise every Monday morning (it's noon where I am so I had to gobble down lunch and still got there late). But not to late to barge in with my marketing questions. They are a game group and very helpful. I have a full page of ideas for marketing my LIVING WELL WITH MENOPAUSE book. One of the guys in the chatroom even knows the director of Menopause: the Musical, so he let me use his name to contact her.

My head spins with ideas...

Oh, and watching the news---by mistake. I never watch the news because I think it's usually so depressing, but while lifting weights this morning I heard about a murder that just could turn into my next mystery. A plot just burst forth and I jotted it down. Yes, ideas are apoppin'...

Keep reading and writing,

Stay Well,


Monday, July 18, 2005

Promote & Edit

Living Well

Have spent the last three days setting up book talks, and going over copyediting for my next nonfiction book, LIVING WELL WITH ANXIETY, due out in 2006. Are my eyes red or am I turning into a rabbit?

Oh, and also met with a computer whiz who put one of my speeches on a DVD. I'm so out of it I don't even have a DVD player, so had to ask a neighbor if I could look at it on his player. He graciously agreed. I also found out how to upload a short video segment to one of my web sites. It should be up soon. I'll let you know when. Now you can hear, see and listen to me. Maybe that's overload.

My publisher is also making me business cards with LIVING WELL WITH MENOPAUSE on it and ordering information. That's a first! Can hardly wait to see them.

Keep reading and writing...


Thursday, July 14, 2005


Yesterday I was so busy "marketing" I forgot to blog. Contacted many librarians to set up book talks. Librarians are my favorite people: they're always polite and knowledgeable, and they're great listeners. They never put you on hold, they never hang up on you. Why doesn't the world follow their example?

I've loved libraries and librarians since I was three and my mother took me to our local library to listen to Story Time. By the time we left, both of us had our arms full of books and we headed home, ready to explore ancient lands and new horizons.

What happens to that sense of wonder?

I'm not sure if it's school that knocks it out of us, or just growing up and having to deal with the world.

Whatever, I hope to bring some of that sense of awe back at my book talks. I've already had speaks with librarians at the St. Petersburg, Jacaranda, Gulf Coast, John F. Germany Public Library, and Safety Harbor Libraries and am firming up dates. More about that later when I've got confirmations.

Did you know September is Menopause Awareness Month, or that it's also Healthy Aging month? I told you librarians are very knowledgeable.

I'm keeping my book touring to Florida for now, but am open to other ideas. Hawaii's a bit too far, but other southeastern states beckon. I might even venture farther, maybe even travel north. Such a trip would give me an excuse to give my grandkids a few more hugs.

Back to marketing and writing, my two main activities these days. If I'm good and work hard, I've promised myself a long walk and an hour in my flower gardens.

Stay Well,


Tuesday, July 12, 2005


It's not easy Living Well. There are the agents for my fiction who never seem to get back to me, the editors who never want to hear from me, the publishers who don't know I exist, the bookstores who don't want to hold signings, the libraries that don't want me to give a talk on menopause, the neighbor's dog who barks at me as if I'm a thief, and never enough hours in the day to accomplish everything I want to do.

Thank goodness there are sunrises, sunsets, my flower gardens, walks on the beach, a new neighbor with a delightful one-year-old who thinks I'm funny, good food, hugs, a new book to write, a new idea that pops into my head when it's least expected, my five-year-old grandson who plays the trombone, my seven-year-old granddaughter who shares my love of tap dancing, my exercise mat, my stationary bike, the moon, the stars, tomorrow...who could ask for anything more?

Stay well,

Talk to you soon.