Wednesday, December 14, 2005


Everytime I send out a query, a couple of chapters, or a complete manuscript, hope rises. I think---this will be the one that sells. This will be the one this agent loves enough to want to fight for it with editors.

My husband and I write romantic comedies. We just sent out one to an agent who'd already read 10 pages and liked that enough to request the full manuscript.

Now comes the wait. While we work on new stuff, edit and revise old stories, and send out queries for our other books, we wait. And try not to remember we're waiting.

If we thought about it---which we don't, because we love what we're doing---we'd have to admit that this is a strange way to spend one's existence. Especially since I've had enough of my non-fiction books published to know selling a book is only the beginning of the work. Then comes editing, marketing, book signings, yada yada...

Been doing this since the 80s, so I guess hope does spring eternal.

Keep reading and writing!


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