Monday, December 19, 2005

First Lines

Living Well

I always have trouble starting a book. Once I get rolling, the writing gets easier. Sometimes I have to write the first page 100 times to get a right, and even then, it doesn't always grab people.

But first lines are even more important than I thought. I learned this on the chicklit digest I get. You'd be surprised at how many digests I get. If I wanted to, I could spend my day reading digests and never write a word. But I digress...On this chicklit digest we even shared first lines and although I thought all of mine were great, not every else did. Wow! Visualize light bulbs going on. This little exercise helped me see what grabs people, and it's usually something short. Remember the Henny Youngman quote: Take my wife. Please!

Yes, that short. A first line can also be astounding, something about dogs wrestling or bedwetting, just as long as it grabs. In fact, one of the members shared that if you don't hook an agent or editor with your first line, you might as well wrap it up, because they do. Chong! That's the sound of your manuscript hitting the waste basket. Yes, Virginia, not only is there no Santa Claus, but your story has been rejected.

It doesn't matter that you've written an epic novel or a cute chick lit delight. First lines are important. So, if you're a writer, sharpen that pencil and make it short and sweet.

If you're a reader, check out some of the first lines from the books you love---they have to current, because this has only come to pass since we've become a fast food nation---and see whether the first lines that grab you are short. If they're not, maybe I'm all wrong about this. Check it out and let me know, but bare in mind that I hate to be wrong.

Keep on reading and writing.

Happy Holidays!


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