Sunday, February 15, 2009

Latest Wellness Newsletter

Wellness Newsletter, February, 2009

This free newsletter provides up-to-date research-based wellness and self-care information and tells you about books, e-books, web sites and events that can enhance well-being, promote health, and help develop self-care, teaching/learning and leadership skills.

Scroll down to what interests you…

1. Your wellness message

2. Wellness Research:

a. Soy Intake Reduces Risk of Colorectal Cancer in Postmenopausal Women

b. St. John’s Wort as Effective as Antidepressants and More Tolerable for
Major Depression

c. Infections: Wearing a Mask Can Reduce Transmissions of Cold Viruses

d. Children: New Way to Help Them Deal with Bullying

e. Parenting: A New Danger for Children Talking on Cell Phones

f. Positive Effects of Breastfeeding Erased by Eating Fast Foods

***For between newsletters’ updated wellness research, click on * * *

3. Wellness Books, E-books, and Self-Care Articles

*Complementary/Wellness/Self-Care Book for Women

Plus plenty of other wellness and self-care books/e-books

4. Wellness Newsletter Archives, click on


1. Your Wellness Message:

I comfortably and easily release the old and welcome the new

2. Wellness Research

For continually updated research, visit my Research Blog

a. Soy Foods Linked with a Lower Risk for Colorectal Cancer in
Postmenopausal Women

A perspective study published this month in the American Journal of
Clinical Nutrition showed that consumption of soy foods is associated with a lower risk for colorectal cancer in postmenopausal women.

"Soy and some of its constituents, such as isoflavones, have been shown to have cancer-inhibitory activities in experimental studies," write Gong Yang, from The study cohort consisted of 68,412 women aged 40 to 70 years and without cancer or diabetes at enrollment. In-person interviews using a validated food-frequency questionnaire evaluated usual soy food intake at baseline (1997-2000) and during the first follow-up (2000-2002). To minimize lifestyle changes related to preclinical disease, the first year of observation was excluded.

Compared with women in the lowest tertile of soy intake, those in the highest tertile had a multivariate relative risk (RR) of 0.67 (95% CI, 0.49 - 0.90; P for trend = .008). This inverse association was primarily confined to postmenopausal women. Findings were similar for soy protein and isoflavone intakes.

Limitations of this study include possible measurement error in assessing soy food intake.
For more about the study, click on
For more information, see: Am J Clin Nutr. 2009;89:577-583.

b. St. John’s Wort May Be As Effective as Standard Antidepressants and more Tolerable for Major Depression

A recent Cochrane systematic review (2008 [4]CD000448) evaluated the safety and efficacy of St. John’s wort extracts for major depression. St. John’s wort had significantly fewer dropouts due to the adverse effects than did antidepressants. In trials ranging from 4 to 12 weeks, with daily doses of 500-1,200 mg, response rates for St. John’s wort were similar to those for older antidepressants (tricyclics and tetracyclics: 48.5% vs. 48.8%) and for selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs: 52% vs. 52%) and superior to placebos (53.6% vs. 36.2%) Note: serious drug interactions are possible when St. John’s wort is used with standard antidepressants and other medications.

c. Infections: Wearing a Mask Can Reduce Transmission of Cold Viruses

Masks play an important role in reducing transmission of cold viruses if they are worn properly.

At a day-to-day level, the study is also good news for parents of toddlers and young children.

"There is no effective treatment for the 90 or so common cold viruses that make families sick each winter, but masks could provide simple and effective protection," Professor MacIntyre said.

For more on the study, click on:

d. Children: New Way to Learn to Deal With Bullying

A psychodynamic approach to bullying in schools has been successfully trialed by UCL (University College London) and US researchers. CAPSLE (Creating a Peaceful School Learning Environment) is a groundbreaking method focused more on the bystander, including the teacher, than on the bully or the victim.

In the first year of the study, teachers received a day of group training and students received nine sessions of self-defense. This training in martial arts with role-playing was designed to help children understand how they responded to victimization and how that victimization affected their capacity to think clearly and creatively. During the study, teachers were discouraged from making disciplinary referrals (such as sending someone to the principal’s office) unless absolutely necessary, and classes were asked to take 15 minutes at the end of the school day to reflect on the day’s activities. All classes would reflect on bully-victim-bystander relationships according to a structured format depicted in posters placed in all classrooms. Children would assess the extent to which they had succeeded in being reflective and compassionate. They would then make a classroom decision on whether or not a class banner should be posted outside the room to say that the classroom had had a good mentalizing day. The study found that children were much tougher on themselves than teachers would have been under similar circumstances.

The programme was found to generate more positive bystanding behaviours, greater empathy for victims, and less favourable attitudes towards aggression in CAPSLE schools. In these schools, fewer children were nominated by their peers as aggressive, victimized, or engaging in aggressive bystanding compared with the control schools. This was confirmed by behavioural observation of less disruptive and off-task classroom behaviour in CAPSLE schools.

CAPSLE made no attempt to focus on helping disturbed children individually or picking them out for treatment. It did not set explicit rules against bullying, nor did it advocate any special treatment for bullying children. Nevertheless, over time the study found that bullies came to be disempowered, initially complaining that the programme was boring and should be stopped until gradually the social system tended to recruit them into more helpful roles. For example, a fifth grade bully who was “humping” the school trophy case to display his sexual prowess to much younger children became a helper of kindergarteners who were upset and helped them with tasks like tying shoelaces.

For more on the study, click on:

e. Parenting: A New Danger for Children Talking on Cell Phones

Children who talk on cell phones while crossing streets are at a higher risk for injuries or death in a pedestrian accident, said psychologists at the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) in a new study that will appear in the February issue of Pediatrics.

For more on the study, click on:

f. Breastfeeding Effects Erased by Eating Fast Food

Many studies have shown that breastfeeding appears to reduce the chance of children developing asthma. But a newly published study led by a University of Alberta professor has found that eating fast food more than once or twice a week negated the beneficial effects that breastfeeding has in protecting children from the respiratory disease.

For more on the study, click on:

**For continually updated wellness research information, click on my research blog at

3. Wellness and Self-Care Books & Article

a. New Self-Care Book

*Complementary Health for Women
A Comprehensive Treatment Guide for Major Diseases and Common Conditions

Presents research-based complementary and self-care treatments for over 30 acute and chronic conditions. Can be used by health care practitioners or consumers. For more information click on:

To purchase a discounted, personally autographed copy, click on: and scroll down until you find this book.

b. Wellness Books:

New Parenting Book

Empowering Your Indigo Child: A Handbook for Parents of Children of Spirit
By Wayne Dosick, PhD and Ellen Kaufman Dosick, MSW.
Provides hands-on healing techniques, scripted meditations, and other simple exercises that help a child release emotional wounds and celebrate who they are (and make life easier for parents.) Available from
or online at

*Aging Beyond Belief by Wellness Guru, Don Ardell, includes 69 recommendations for a more healthful, enjoyable and meaningful existence at every stage of life. Order from or Don's web site:

*Living Well with Anxiety: What Your Doctor Doesn't Tell You That You Need to Know. Holistic and complementary approaches to reducing anxiety, panic and related conditions. Purchase at a discount by clicking on

*Comfort and Joy: Simple Ways to Care for Ourselves and Others. Available from or oneline at

*Classroom Skills for Nurse Educators provides ways to promote interactive and holistic learning. Sample chapters and more information at To purchase at a discount, click on

*Creative Nursing Leadership & Management uses holistic and creative approaches to leadership and management. For sample chapters and more information click on
To purchase at a discount, click on

*Encyclopedia of Complementary Health Practice includes concepts and issues, economic and practice issues, education issues, legal/legislative/health policy issues, historical perspectives, conditions (from a-z), influential substances, practices and treatments, contributor & resources directory. For more information, click on:
To purchase at a discount, click on: and scroll down.

*The Essential Laws of Fearless Living: Find the Power to Never Feel Powerless Again. How to break through illusions of limitation, have everything you want and become truly conscious. For more information go to

*The Food Intolerance Bible: A Nutritionist’s Plan to Beat Food Cravings, Fatigue, Mood Swings, Celiac Disease, Headaches, IBS, and Deal with Food Allergies. Orders
at or oneline at

*Garden Therapy Guidelines for Special Needs by Judith Gammonley, ARNPBC, EdD, LCP includes how to use garden therapy with those who are memory impaired, brain injured, or who struggle with developmental or physical challenges. Contact Dr. Gammonley at or phone her at (727) 784-2449.

*Group Leadership Skills provides theory, concepts and practical applications for the new or seasoned group leader with task, work, social, therapeutic, focal or focus groups. Fifth edition now available at
Purchase discounted, personally signed copy at
Scroll down the page to find it.

Health Promotion in Communities: Holistic and Wellness Approaches applies wellness and holistic concepts to community work and includes a model and self-assessment for health and wellness with changing and vulnerable populations, in rural settings, on the internet, with individuals and groups, families, African American women, Hispanic communities, diabetes programs, parish nursing, schools, and homeless centers and more. For more information, click on:
Signed, authographed copies available by scrolling down the page at

*Healthy Holistic Aging: A Blueprint for Success. Carl Helvie, RN, DrPH says you can live to be 100, and at age 74, he's a perfect example of the right things to do. He has no chronic illnesses and is among the 11% of the age 65-and-overs who take no prescribed medications. The book cites overwhelming scientific evidence that good diet, exercise, adequate sleep, prayer, meditation, positive relationship with others and a clean and safe environment can ensure successful aging. Visit Dr. Helvie's web site where you can also obtain the book as well as other helpful information at

*Her Inspiration, subtitled, Secrets to Help You Work Smart, Be Successful and Have Fun, this book is full of quotes and thoughts from hundreds of women to encourage, motivate, and support you as you make your way. Order from or online at

*Holistic Nursing Approach to Chronic Diseases. Provides a holistic approach to AIDS/HIV, Allergies/Asthma, Alzheimer's Disease, Arthritis, Cancer, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Depression, Diabetes, Digestive Problems, Fibromyalgia, Heart and Blood Vessel Disorders, Kidney Disease, Liver Disease, multiple sclerosis, osteoporosis, overweight/obesity, pain, Parkinson’s Disease, and/or sleep disorders. For more information, click on
To obtain a discounted, signed copy, click on

*Living Well with Menopause: What Your Doctor Doesn't Tell You That You Need To Know includes research-based wellness and self-care strategies. Click on and write Carolyn Chambers Clark in the search box at the top of the screen. Or ask your local bookstore to order it. Discounted and autographed copies also available by going to
and scrolling down the page.

*Prayers for Healing. Edited by Maggie Oman, with an Introduction by the Dalai Lama and Foreword by Larry Dossey, this little book invites you into a wonderful healing space. Contributors include Wendell Berry, Jack Kornfield, Rainer Maria Rilke, Marian Wright Edelman, Martine Luther King, Jr., and Marianne Williamson, Kahlil Gibran, Goethe, and even traditional Native American truths. For inspiration, order from or online at

*Self-Help Group Sourcebook provides all the information you could possibly want on self-help groups from how to start one, find one, research, and listings of available self-help groups. For more information, go to

c. New Self-Care Articles:

Fungal infections:
Blood clots:

d. Wellness E-books

Available e-books include ADHD, acne, bladder spasms/bladder infections, couple communication, depression relief, great body, headaches, healing veggies, healing with affirmation & imagery, healthy hair, helping with homework, natural diuretics, pain free, parenting, peri-menopausal bleeding, permanent weight loss, pregnancy, helping children be successful in school, teaching math concepts, thyroid, and whole brain thinking. All are from a wellness, self-care perspective and make great gifts for from $1.99. Click on (Scroll down the home page to find them.)

4. Archives of the Wellness Newsletter

To read recent issues of the Wellness Newsletter, click on

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They can reply and put subscribe and their email address in the subject.

In Wellness,

Carolyn Chambers Clark

Stay Well!